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The MOSAIC platform consists of various ion irradiation/implantation equipment (ARAMIS accelerator, Andromede accelerator, IRMA ion implanter, SIDONIE isotope separator, Tancrede) and structural and chemical analysis (RBS, ERDA, PIXE, PIGE, MSI, and TEM, SEM, AFM). The experimental hall bringing together the IRMA implanter, the ARAMIS accelerator, and the various associated beam lines is known as JANNuS-Orsay. In situ characterizations are one of the specificities of the platform recognized worldwide, and in particular in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) with one or two ion beams, and mass spectrometry imaging (MSI).

MOSAIC is an interdisciplinary research platform open to many scientific fields: materials science, astrochemistry, astrophysics, nuclear physics, geology, biology, environment, etc. Applications cover fields as varied as: nuclear energies (fusion/fission) and solar energy, micro- and nano-electronics, production of isotopes for the medical sector, accelerators, detectors, biomineralization processes, research on pathogens, etc.

The MOSAIC platform, and in particular the JANNuS-Orsay experimental hall, has been linked since 2005 to the CEA’s JANNuS-Saclay platform, via the GIS JANNuS Scientific Interest Group. These two platforms are founding members of the EMIR&A accelerator federation which is listed on the French national research infrastructure roadmap.

MOSAIC was born in 2023 from the combination of the Andromède and JANNuS-SCALP platforms of IJCLab.