The Energy and Environment Pole (E&E) consists of chemists and physicists whose research is related to nuclear energy and related environmental issues. The research projects tackle fundamental questions of interest for the development of nuclear energy. They combine diversity and complementarity: chemistry and physics for nuclear energy, studies of energy scenarios on a global scale, new reactor concepts and developments of new fuels, innovative treatments of nuclear waste and transmutation, recycling of actinides, study of nuclear fission, physicochemical properties of actinides in condensed phases (solids, aqueous solutions, molten salts, ionic liquids, solid / liquid interfaces) and their speciation, radioactive materials and their interactions with the environment, new materials for the electronuclear cycle and fusion (advanced metal alloys, steels with oxide dispersions, ceramics for the nuclear energy of the future), experimental simulation through accelerators of the consequences of the irradiation of solids and associated modeling.
The experimental activities of the Pole benefit from the unique facilities present at IJCLab, such as the “Hot Chemistry” building, dedicated to experimental activities on actinides, and the MOSAIC accelerator and characterization platform.