The support services gather transverse functions ensuring the proper functioning of the laboratory.
Infrastructure Division
The mission of the Infrastructure Division is to ensure the maintenance, development and operation of all of the IJCLab buildings. It also organises construction works and logistics operations that are carried out internally or by using subcontracting. In the latter case, it monitors the activities of the external companies.
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The Risk Prevention Service (SPR) is responsible for preventing and managing all risks for people, property and the environment due to any activity related to IJCLab. It manages the administrative dossiers related to risk management and it implements all necessary provisions in order to guarantee the safety of the IJCLab employees and the installations facing risks (in particular fire, chemical, ionizing radiation, laser).
Communication and events service
The communication & events service operates in all areas of information and scientific communication in line with IJCLab communication strategy and policy, internally and externally. It aims at enhancing and protecting the image of the laboratory, developing its notoriety and its influence. It steers and implements PR actions, coordinates the organization of institutional, scientific or general public events, collects and relays information for internal and external diffusion.
The Transfer, Innovation and International Relations Service (STIRI) coordinates and develops
the activities of scientific cooperation and transfer of knowledge activities in IJCLab to increase the local, national and international influence of the laboratory. STIRI develops and implements management policy in order to develop research projects and promote research results. Close to researchers and engineers, it is the interface between the laboratory and all stakeholders involved in scientific cooperation and transfer of knowledge at the national, European and international levels.
Quality Service
The Quality Service supports IJCLab managers and teams in setting up and monitoring quality management systems. The methods used are implemented according to the main principles of ISO 9001 (process approach, risk approach, continuous improvement, etc…). The service develops the culture of quality in the laboratory and supports managers and teams IJCLab with tools for decision support, problem solving and cohesion management.
Project Management Service
The mission of the Project Management Service is to ensure a global management of IJCLab projects (adapted to their scope) and to help the decision process of the managers on a given project by assessing its organization and its adequacy with the resources of the laboratory. This service also has role of support and assistance for scientific and technical managers to structure and monitor their projects.
Library/Scientific and Technical Information Service
The missions of the Library/Scientific and Technical Information Service are the management of the libraries and of the journals subscriptions, taking care of their accessibility to all members of the laboratory. It provides services for obtaining information which is not available at the libraries or online. The service deals also with the processing of scientific archives and it responsible for the registration of the publications for all members of the laboratory.
Teaching Service
The Teaching Service supports the ICJLab activities in terms of teaching, provided not only by its teacher-researchers, but also by its researchers and engineers: training carried out by laboratory, events for students (seminars, schools …) , monitoring of and assistance to the students hosted by the laboratory…