Single- and double-Lambda hypernuclei in pionless EFT
 2020-01-29 - 11:30:00 → 12:30:00
 Meeting room A015, bldg 100
 Lorenzo Contessi, ESNT, IRFU, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay

The extension of nuclear physics to the strange sector is a difficult challenge due to the shortage of experimental data, and the difficulty in solving QCD at low energies. With the forthcoming new facilities and new experiments dedicated to the study of single- and double-lambda hypernuclei we prospect new a

Search for CP violation in nuclear beta decays: the MORA project
 2020-01-28 - 11:00:00 → 12:00:00
 Meeting room101, bldg 200
 Pierre Delahaye, GANIL
Developments in the Theory of Double-Beta Decay
 2020-01-24 - 11:30:00 → 12:30:00
 Meeting room A018, bldg 100
 Jonathan Engel, University of North Carolina, Dpt of Physics & Astronomy

After discussing the significance of experiments to observe neutrinoless double-beta decay, I present recent developments in the nuclear theory needed to interpret those experiments. These include both new techniques for solving the nuclear many-body problem and applications of chiral effective field theory.

Andromède: Comment sonder la matière avec des faisceaux de Nanoparticules ?
 2020-01-23 - 13:45:00 → 14:44:00
 Auditorium Irène Joliot-Curie, bldg 100
 Thanh-Loan Lai, IJCLab
Neutron lifetime anomaly and consistent origin of dark matter and baryon asymmetry
 2020-01-22 - 11:00:00 → 12:00:00
 Seminar room, bldg 108
 Wanpeng Tanb, University of Notre Dame
Searching for exotic Higgs bosons with the CMS detector
 2020-01-21 - 11:00:00 → 12:00:00
 200/1-101 - Salle 101 (IJCLab)
 Anne-Marie Magnan, Imperial College London
Vector boson scattering at the LHC
 2020-01-14 - 11:00:00 → 12:00:00
 200/1-101 - Salle 101 (IJCLab)
 Iro Koletsou, LAPP / CNRS / IN2P3