Beams the

The start-up Beams from IJCLab is the winner of the i-Lab 2023 innovation competition in the “Medical Technologies” category. This system, whose objective is to detect and finance innovative technology business projects, is the first seed competition for start-ups in France created by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. i-Lab winners receive funding of up to 600k€ per project.

Beams therefore obtains funding which will allow the young start-up to move on to a higher stage which consists of the development and manufacture of a pre-industrial prototype of the TRIOP probe (Tumor Resection Intraoperative Probe), more functional and more efficient for clinical tests.

As a reminder, Beams is developing a probe that detects radioisotopes emitting b+ particles in situ. This technology was born from the work carried out by Laurent Menard, teacher-researcher at the Physics Health Pole of IJCLab, and his partners (Henri Mondor Hospital, GHU Paris neuroscience). The tool will make it possible to detect and locate in real time the tumor residues to be extracted during surgical excision procedures. This is an essential aid to surgeons which will result in a reduction in the risk of local recurrence and an increase in the survival rate of cancer patients.

The start-up, created in May 2021 and managed by Virginie Simon and Estelle Villedieu de Torcy, has been housed in building 440 of the Pôle Physique Santé of IJCLab since March 2022. Despite its young age, the start-up "IJCLaboise" is making a name for itself in the world of FrenchTech. She was notably invited to participate in the Alliancy Connect event, on the theme "Deeptech: these young shoots that meet the great challenges of tomorrow" alongside Antoine Petit, CEO of the CNRS in May 2023 and participated in the seventh edition of the most European exhibition of technological innovation - Vivatech 2023.

Beams was selected in the list of 100 start-ups to invest in 2023 and voted best start-up in the MedTech category by Challenges magazine.

Other awards and distinctions since its creation:

  • Winner of the SPRING50 (class of 2023) in the Healthtech category. - Winner among the 134 start-ups selected for the 2nd edition of the European Women Tech EU call for projects.
  • Winner among the 134 start-ups selected for the 2nd edition of the European Women Tech EU call for projects.
Health physics
2023-07-18 16:05