Development of Mass Spectrometers for Nuclear Astrophysics
 2021-02-12 - 10:15:00
 Sarah Naimi, RIKEN Japon
Universality in many-body systems: At the crossroad of hadronic, nuclear, hypernuclear, and atomic physics
 2021-02-09 - 14:00:00
 Lorenzo Contessi, Irfu CEA Saclay
Angular momentum generation in nuclear fission
 2021-02-05 - 10:15:00
 Jonathan Wilson, IJCLab
Towards quantum thermodynamics using levitated nanoparticles
 2021-02-05 - 14:00:00
 Maxime Debiossac, University of Vienna
Cosmic news from cometary and asteroidal dust
 2021-02-01 - 10:30:00
 Cécile Engrand, IJCLab
Physicists Learning from Machines Learning
 2021-02-01 - 11:00:00
 Taylor Faucett, University of California - Irvine
The Giant Monopole Resonance and Nuclear Incompressibility: Past and Future
 2021-01-15 - 14:00:00
 Yorick Blumenfeld, IJCLab
Précipitation directe d'oxydes d'actinides et de lanthanides: de nouvelles méthodes pour de nouvelles propriétés
 2021-01-14 - 15:30:00
 Nicolas Clavier, ICSM - Univ.Montpellier, CEA, CNRS, ENSCM Marcoule
(Thesis defence) "Study of mixing ratios of isotopes 56Fe and 57Fe by nuclear orientation technics with PolarEx"
 2020-12-16 - 14:00:00
 IJCLAB, Auditorium Pierre Lehmann, Building 200
 Rémy Thoër, IJCLAB (Pôle physique nucléaire)
(HDR Defence) "Development of scintillator detectors at IJCLab"
 2020-12-15 - 14:00:00
 Giulia Hull, IJCLab (Engineering - Detectors and instrumentation)
(Thesis defence) "Dynamic pressure in particle accelerators : Experimental measurements and simulation for the LHC"
 2020-12-14 - 10:00:00
 IJCLab, Auditorium P. Lehmann, Bâtiment 200
 Suheyla Bilgen, IJCLab (Physique des accélérateurs)